O.E.S. Breed Council
Sunday April 24th 2005.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 12.07
Those present: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer (after being delayed), Secretary, Assistant secretary, K.C.L.C Breed Rep, East Anglian, Lancastrian, Midland, North Western, Scotland, Wales and the South Western.
Apologies from Northern Ireland. Mrs R Burns Mrs D Malins Mrs M McWilliam
Minutes of meeting held on Sunday 4th April 2004. Acceptance proposed by the Lancastrian Club, seconded by the South Western Club and passed by the meeting.
Matters Arising. None.
Acceptance of revised constitution. The Secretary read out a letter from the kennel Club in which they stated that the revised constitution had been approved and could be brought into effect once a vote to accept it had been taken at the AGM. This vote was proposed by the Lancastrian club, seconded by the Midland club and passed by the meeting.
Election of Officers. Now that the revised constitution had been accepted the Chairman explained that the red voting papers would be the valid ones. He proceeded to check the post marks and open the envelopes. The voting on each was read out to the meeting and the result was as follows:- Secretary Mr D Hudson 7 votes for with 1 abstention. Assistant secretary Mr R Wilkinson 5 votes for with 2 against and 1 abstention. The secretary and assistant secretary were duly elected for the next two years.
Treasures Report. The Treasurer had been delayed so her report was unavailable at this point. The assistant secretary confirmed that the auditor had passed the accounts and it was agreed to continue with the remaining business and return to the treasures report once she arrived.
Any Other Business. None.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.18.
At this point the treasurer arrived.
The Chairman reopened the meeting at 12.25.
Treasures Report. The Treasurer presented copies of the audited accounts to the meeting. The Treasurer stated that we had made a small profit over the year. The meeting had no questions on the accounts.
Acceptance of the Accounts. Proposed by the Midland club, seconded by the Lancastrian club and passed by the meeting.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.28.